Action vs. Procrastination
Choices surround our lives, and one personal preference requires us to take vital and resolute Action in our lives vs. Procrastination.
Defining moments are often generated from previous decisions. Our environmental conditions, such as housing, family, and health, often affect our ability to reason and take appropriate action.
Other factors, such as life-changing events, often require our attention to take action, yet we often negotiate mentally with ourselves and procrastinate.
Since I’ve nearly recovered from a “near” right foot amputation, I have recently written about various life events and wanted to share a valuable point to inspire your choice to take action with any matter. By doing so, I believe we can all live a better life.
I call your attention to August 2022
I awakened one hot summer morning with pain in my right foot and was later diagnosed with gout. Since I’m diabetic, I have lost some feeling in my right foot due to neuropathy.
A few weeks later, I noticed a small blister on the right side of my foot. I popped it, and immediate relief occurred. A few days later infection returned, and I visited an urgent care facility and began antibiotics, and short-term improvement began.
While on antibiotics, the pain returned, and one morning, I awakened with intense pain and fever. I remember looking down at my foot; red streaks emerged from my toes past my knee. My right foot had swollen by at least 30% and appeared purple and red. I immediately rushed to the Emergency room.
As a diabetic, I knew my foot was in danger and possibly my life
I was rushed to the operating room, and I remember the nurse recounting my temperature of 104. Because of my fever and infection, my sugar level, I’m told, was 507, which is five times above average and also life-threatening.
We are preparing to amputate your right foot
They told me they had to prep me for surgery, and yet no one in my room had indicated the appropriate action they intended to take to care of my foot. Suddenly, the doctor said, “We are preparing to amputate your right foot or possibly just below your knee” I heard what he said. Still, I had difficulty processing his statement due to extremely high sugar levels, intense pain, and a high temperature. I asked the Doctor why he promoted amputation vs. another option. He could not give me a clear and defined answer and appeared to offer an opinion. I knew I had only been in the hospital less than 20 minutes and knew it was unlikely for blood tests to be completed, and the doctor confirmed blood work had not been completed.
I immediately fired the surgeon from the emergency room
I faced the reality that my doctor wasn’t looking out for my best interest and hadn’t even received my blood work to discover the elevated risk of infection. I was angry and immediately realized the doctor had to go!
While being prepped for amputation, I looked at the doctor and yelled, “You’re fired; get the hell out of my room and send in another doctor who promotes hope, not amputation.”
I remember looking to my right, and the nurse was smiling at my decision, and she kindly held my hand and said we will take care of your request.
I passed out just minutes after firing the doctor.
Taking bold action saved my foot from amputation
As I consider the day I was prepped for amputation, I realize taking action to fire the doctor who demanded amputation saved my foot from amputation. Had I procrastinated an extra minute to fire him, I would have been passed out and unable to express the need to fire him.
We have a choice to make. We either take action or choose Procrastination.
Love is the greatest defender,
Darel L. Long
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Darel Long’s Pronouncement, I write in support of Life, Liberty, and Freedom. The newsletter includes various miniseries, including Covid, Trump, The Tenth Amendment, etc. Please join for Free or consider supporting my work.
The Christian Pronouncement, a weekly series posted Sunday mornings at 8:00 am EST. (coming soon)
Overcome Parental Alienation, my daughter, Alexis, first became alienated from me when she was just three years old. I later won shared physical custody but suffered significant health issues soon after, and the alienation returned. My experience has me now dedicated to helping parents who endure Parental Alienation. I present a weekly article posted Fridays at 8:00 am EST. You can join for free.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr, and Truth Social.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Series
The Tenth Amendment, the USA Solutions, and Compendium. The states can nullify federal tyranny by engaging the power of the Constitution and utilizing the Tenth Amendment, also known as Amendment X.
The Question the 2020 Election Miniseries and Compendium, The miniseries highlights the 2020 Election, and my research shows team Trump/Pence won the election.
The Covid Series and Compendium, The political class joined the central planners on the left to combat a virus with an almost perfect survival rate with poisonous gene therapy injections.
The Democrat Party Series and Compendium, The Democrat Party platitudes join woke ideology and socialist tendencies. They promote the death of the unborn. They have become the war party, undermining Life, Liberty, and Freedom.
The President Donald J. Trump Compendium, Build the Wall, lock her up, and the Promoter of Operation Warp Speed includes thought-provoking topics.
What is a women’s series? The woke rise of men acting as women provoked this series.
The World Economic Forum Series and Compendium, Klaus Swab’s World Economic Forum, support the totalitarian dictatorship once used by Nazi Germany’s Adolf Hitler. The WEF is a danger to life, liberty, and freedom. They promote the Great Reset, promoting human nutritional daily consumption needs to be augmented by protein from bugs. Klaus Swab and his gang of tyrants are fans of world depopulation.
The Republican Party Series and Compendium, At what point does the GOP begin to promote the Tenth Amendment across GOP red states to nullify federal tyranny? Why did the GOP join the Central Planners during Covid-19?
The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Operation Warp Speed, and related evildoers promoted untested gene therapy injections, and now our people are dying and adversely affected, and SADS has exploded.
The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Series and Compendium, It’s hard for me to fathom that the political class is being led astray by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. If people aren’t aware, Zelensky once played the part of a Penis Pianist.