Congressman Morgan Griffith: No War with Russia
Waring tensions have escalated, and the Biden Administration has failed to set a prominent peaceful alliance amid NATO, Ukraine and Russia. You must promote peace
Congressman Morgan Griffith:
The world is spinning out of control; first with a pandemic which began as a direct result from Gain-of-Function, as openly admitted from FOIA documents which links Dr. Anthony Fauci with crimes of humanity. Thus far, neither democrats nor republicans have held Dr. Fauci, or other evil doers, accountable for their crimes against humanity.
Biden claims inflation and high gas prices have been triggered by Putin’s invasion into Ukraine. Any thinking person who views logic can easily note public data showing inflation and increased gas prices began to rise prior to Putin’s actions.
We are witnessing world history repeating itself and watching open governments from the world present opposition against one nation while failing to listen to the message from both Ukraine and Russia.
I draw your attention to The Treaty of Versailles, signed June 28, 1919. This ended the war between the Allied powers and Germany. The Treaty created large debt repayments on Germany, and later set the conditions for the second world war WWII. A student of history can easily witness world leaders making the same blundering mistake with Russia.
The world stage is set against Russia, and this sets the stage for another world war which can be completely avoided. The politicians promoting additional sanctions against any nation aligning against Russia is going to be a failure, as sanctions are less likely to affect the day-to-day livelihood of government leadership. The tragedy impacts the citizens of the nation’s living with the sanctions. Likewise, the tit-for-tat play from Russia limiting wheat and vacuum tubes, just to name a few, will have an immediate effect on food and the electronic industries.
I’m writing to demand if future votes are called, to vote “no” for the following. A vote for being Present isn’t acceptable.
No to all No-Fly-zones in Ukraine
No future sanctions against Russia
End Bioweapons labs inside Ukraine
Promote a peace delegation using the four proposed options listed both in my tweeted letter and mailed letter
No to all NATO proposals which provoke the Russian government
I never supported the Russian invasion into Ukraine. As a student of history, we can easily note the provocation against a nation who is nuclear capable of first strike is a fool’s game. The War Mongers are willing to risk this, but you are smarter than the War Mongers, and so are the people you serve. I demand peace with no waring demands between the Ukrainian and Russian conflict.
Love is the greatest defender,
Darel L. Long