Darel Long's Pronouncement Series
The series provides direct links to related compendiums and includes The Tenth Amendment, Covid, Trump, World Economic Forum, and much more
The states that are GOP controlled can nullify federal tyranny by engaging the power of the Constitution and utilizing the Tenth Amendment, also known as Amendment X. The Tenth Amendment can nullify federal agencies and federal regulations and provide lasting and peaceful changes to help reduce the scope and size of federal government overreach. Visit Amendment X and USA solutions, introduction, and compendium.
The political class joined the central planners on the left to combat a virus with an almost perfect survival rate with poisonous vaccines. I invite you to visit The Covid Series and Compendium.
Build the wall, lock her up, and the promoter of Operation Warp Speed includes thought-provoking topics found in The President Donald J. Trump Compendium.
The woke rise of men acting as women provoked the What is a Woman? Series.
Klaus Swab’s World Economic Forum supports the totalitarian dictatorship once used by Nazi Germany’s Adolf Hitler. The WEF is a danger to life, liberty, and freedom. They promote the Great Reset, promoting human nutritional daily consumption needs to be augmented by protein from bugs. Klaus Swab and his gang of tyrants are fans of world depopulation. New articles can be found in The World Economic Forum Compendium.
Operation Warp Speed and related evildoers promoted untested gene therapy injections, and now our people are dying and adversely affected, and SADS has exploded. The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Adverse Effects Compendium provides crucial but limited reporting on this topic.
It’s hard for me to fathom that the political class is being led astray by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. If people aren’t aware, Zelensky once played the part of a Penis Pianist. Between Zelensky, neoconservatives, neoliberals, and socialists, they are leading us into war with Russia. If this happens, nuclear war is likely. We must remind ourselves that neocons, neoliberals, and Zelensky are big fans of creating a New World Order. The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Compendium provides underreported information.
Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption, a pool in which many of the United States’ politicians and deep state actors have been actively swimming in and drinking from. Zelensky can expose all of them and has used his position to essentially blackmail them into providing him with $$$ and weapons. These are the same people who want to strip United State citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights while at the same time arming people of other nations. We would be wise to follow our first President’s farewell advice to treat all foreign nations with benevolence and to avoid foreign entanglements. We have been blessed with a land of abundant natural resources sufficient to provide for all our needs. We should not trade with other countries that do not meet our states’ clean air, clean water and labor standards. It’s past time to bring all our military personnel and equipment home.