Elon Musk: Twitter must help save missing Children
Dump the Bill Gates ads and adopt the wholesome quest for Twitter to use the platform to help find missing kids
Elon’s Musk’s potential takeover of Twitter may restore free speech on one of the largest social media platforms.
The reaction of the left to Musk wanting to restore free speech has most of them symbolically raising the hammer and sickle. They want the control of free speech as they once had while cancelling competing ideas and free speech at Twitter. Now the former liberal hive is scrambling to cancel, restrict and eliminate COVID questions while Life, Liberty, and Freedom related topics are thwarted at a personal cost to Elon Musk.
Now the cancel culture progenitors claim they will be canceled. The left completely misunderstands free speech and competing ideas on valuable social media platforms, or they support communist ideologies to control Life, Liberty, and Freedom; I believe the later is the truth.
Meanwhile those of us who inherently understand the value of free speech can now refer more content to the Twitter channel aptly named “Libs of Tick Tock on Twitter” while at the same time the cancel culture bizarrely say they will cancel themselves.
Finally, I get it. The left sees themselves as ‘curators” of information and knowledge, while my friends within the GOP did extraordinarily little to elevate free speech.
The anti-free speech crowd and has always joined method and madness to “cancel you but not me.”
Many who are outraged by the restoration of free speech are the same people driving around our towns and cities with the bumper sticker COEXSIST. This seems to be a codeword for progressives who hide their hammer and sickle as they march towards communism.
Further, the recent revelation the Supreme Court will overturn Roe Vs. Wade has exposed the haters of life and supporters of abortion of our children is out in the open. The same haters hate: Free speech, Bill of Rights, successful people from all races, and they love CRT. The left has changed so much since they supported blue collar workers, I would never support the platform they stand upon.
As a free-thinking person, I am alarmed with the GOP who joined central planning and elevated Dr. Fauci. The GOP has never balanced the budget, failed to end Obama Care, joined in the “15-days to slow the spread”, and stand six-feet apart. Even though Trump issued an executive order acknowledging issues with our vote, the GOP failed to take proper action ahead of the 2020 election to protect our vote. I also find it deplorable for our former president, whom I voted for twice, is on record in support of the most problematic vaccines, and many cases, forced upon our population. The VAERS report says these vaccines have caused the highest death and adverse effects created for any vaccine in our nation’s history.
I highlight these points only to say the value one person was able to create compared to a single political party regarding free speech.
We should all be thankful to Elon Musk for opening the doors to free speech on twitter.
Twitter should adopt a missing children’s policy
I have a suggestion for Mr. Musk to use Twitter as a method to help find our missing kids. I’m sure this will fuel the hate for hateful people but for those of us who believe in Life, Liberty, and Freedom will eagerly support a simple idea to use the Twitter platform to locate not only the missing kids of the USA, but also those who are missing overseas.
Big Social Apps and Location Software
Large social media platforms use apps with location software. The data we view from our Twitter feed promotes ads specific to the location. The location software is amazingly complicated, yet theoretically simple. Consider for a moment your own zip code. Social media ads can be injected into your data feed as you pass from one zip code to another. In large markets, social media platforms are known to track your location and correspond with approaching stores, or hotels as you travel. The tracking we agree to when using social media apps is vast and social media claims proprietary legal positions. The public is mostly unaware of the vast data they mine from your daily use of apps. This is one important reason I never use social media apps.
Over the years, I’ve paid attention to the public version of some released information about tracking software. This is a big opportunity Mr. Musk now has at his disposal: a way to help bring forth a broad spectrum of public information for our missing kids.
I’m certain a technology man such as Musk is fully aware of the above facts.
Epidemic of Missing Kids
8 million Children are reported missing each year worldwide Source: ICMEC
2300 Children are reported missing daily in the US. Source: Child Find of America
In 2020, almost 400,000 youth were abducted in the US. Source: Statists
Source: The Truth About Child Abduction Statistics in 2022 (safeatlast.co)
Twitter can inject data into its Location Software to save missing kids
We’ve all seen the ads “rendered to our data feed.” Musk can direct twitters software team to render the photo and basic data for missing kids into the data feed based on our location. The great news is just this the data for missing kids is public and already codified from police, state police, missing children non-profits ext. This entire process can be overseen by a resolute web team dedicated to saving our missing kids across the USA and many nations abroad.
Twitter should consider a tips line supported by a resolute team who can quickly note the tip and act based on internal instruction.
Twitter should consider rendering as often as Bill Gates promotes and replace Gates with missing Children. When I visit my own personal home page at twitter at: Long_Darel I usually find a Bill Gates ad during my visit.
Twitters section titled “What’s Happening” found at our home page is a pass thru page to all our data, tweets, mentions, and more. Seeing a new section titled “Missing Children will accomplish:
Awareness for our missing children
And with the twitter community onboard of missing children, we can recover and reunite more children in our nation and the world then ever better.
Mr. Musk, will you please consider the above idea and add it to your to-do list of great new tasks for Twitter. Our Children, need this big idea to appear and quickly. Your choice to add this feature can help save our kids.
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