Fear and My departure from the GOP
The Texas GOP has also failed to secure our border. Overall the Republican party has also failed constitutional liberty.
Life, Liberty, and Freedom prevail outside the GOP and Democrat Party.
Please wake up; our nation can’t wait until the 2024 election; our country requires immediate solutions to save our republic.
Fear is a marketable emotion, and attempts to avoid the trappings of fear are faithfully foiled while embracing 2 Timothy 1:7- For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
Today’s news is filled with fear.
The Democrats promote fear
The Democrat Party promotes fear and labels mothers who attend school board meetings as potential terrorists. They openly support Gender mutilation of our children, subvert females, and claim men can identify as a female who are fake females. They degrade our children by promoting drag queen story hour, and those counterfeit men should be arrested and charged accordingly. They promote death to the unborn even after birth, to name a few examples. Any ordinary man or woman who witnesses the above is naturally fearful as the crazies have captured our flag.
Fear may send us asunder to strengthen our weaknesses
Fear has followed my entire life. As a young boy just ten years old, I recall the insanity of endless arguments between my mother and father, and later, at Ten Years old, my father committed suicide. The immense fear at that time was staggering. I’m told after this discovery that I didn’t speak for months, but I have no recollection. Many years later, I began donating time to special kids who endure suicide.
Years later, I got married, and we often face the ugly reality that our spouses have cheated. In my case, I took the rejection personally. I’m not judgmental towards men or women who are unfaithful and only want the best for those who have dealt with this matter.
The former marriage resulted in the birth of my daughter, Alexis, and later my former wife was cited as alienating me from my daughter. After the primary term of my custody case of nearly seven years, I was awarded shared equal custody. I was delighted to help raise my daughter briefly until significant health issues began.
Tragedy’s often returned as a gift from my experiences to others who endure similar issues, and this past November, I launched OvercomeParentalAlienation.com.
Several years ago, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer, and the prognosis was death. A kind friend of mine located an alternative treatment using Intravenous Vitamin C and Vitamin K, and six weeks later, the cancer was eradicated.
Last summer, I faced a near amputation of my right foot, and had I not fired the Emergency room doctor before I passed out, I would have awakened to an amputation, and as I write, I’m still recovering from the surgery.
After spending over $700,000.00 on my custody case for some time, I was homeless, and my sweet little dog named Jenn was happy to be with me every day.
In 2014, I was invited to join a small radio station, and I gave it my best. I passed along knowledge which should be known by all citizens, and later the show ended and was picked up by a syndicated opportunity.
Life hasn’t been impossible but only nearly impossible.
Today I’m a writer and entrepreneur.
Just before Covid, I moved to the Cotton Mill Lofts and no longer lived there. Many tenets were physicians working at Roanoke Memorial Hospital, giving me a short opportunity to befriend many doctors who lived there before the lockdowns began.
The Plandemic Fear Hit the World
One of my former radio guests indicated a planned pandemic would occur between 2020-2025, and she named Dr. Fauci the key fraudster. I did my best to warn the people, but few appreciated the warning. I was naturally shocked to see Donald J. Trump’s interview beside Dr. Fauci during the early weeks of the Plandemic.
During the plandemic, I could not help but think, what is happening here? Indeed this sentiment was s topic shared by many.
The news media began flashing death numbers from claimed Covid deaths.
Out of nowhere, they stopped promoting deaths and began listing case numbers, all of which occurred under the Trump administration.
Trump invited Fauci and Birx, who promoted fear, lies, and destruction.
I witnessed some of my neighbors, who were physicians at Roanoke Memorial, turn into Tyrants, and I never saw most of their faces again as they masked up.
The Covid lunacy was promoted six feet apart, 15 days to slow the spread, and We must wear a mask in public. We now know those tactics of fear were deemed false and ineffective. Yet most of us instinctively knew they were lying.
In my state of Virginia, the Democratic governor issued a curfew which I disobeyed.
While visiting Eats Grocery in Blacksburg, VA, I was under threat of arrest for not wearing a mask, and I’ve never returned to that store again.
When the Jab was ready, the evil-doers mandated the Trump Jab for our military and demanded airline pilots, physicians, nurses, teachers, etc., to take the untested gene therapy filth.
Fear From the GOP presented as questions
Why did Trump and the Trump administration transfer 1.5 billion to Bill Gates Moderna to a man who supports world depopulation?
Why did Trump fail to act on Dr. Paul Alexander’s suggestions during the plandemic?
Why did Trump and the GOP ignore 600 doctors who urged Trump not to shut America down?
Why do Trump and many members of the GOP continue to promote the Jab when many have died and suffered harm from gene therapy?
Why didn’t the GOP take firm action to overcome the 2020 election fraud?
Why did the GOP follow Trump, who joined the central planners on the left during Covid?
Why did the Republican Governors Association meet with the head of Pfizer, Albert Bourla?
Why did the Texas GOP reject a border security bill favoring Globalist ideas and promoting open borers? The USA is under invasion!
Why hasn’t the GOP promoted Amendment X to nullify tyranny?
Why hasn’t Trump dedicated part of his rallies to a massive initiative to teach the Tenth Amendment?
In truth, I voted for Trump Twice and expected to see her locked up. I expected to see the midterms provide a resolution and Fauci and Birx charged and arrested, and I hope the final verdict would be treason for both. Justice has avoided the left’s lunatics.
Yesterday when a friend sent a video from Alex Jones showing Exclusive-Mind-Blowing Coverage of the Southern Border Collapse, my heart left the GOP, and I grieve for our nation.
You can watch the video by clicking here.
Or you can copy the following link and paste it into your browser.
My discourse with the GOP is logical. While I would never vote nor support the lunacy from the left, I expected the GOP to act like winners and not the planned or incompetent results seen by the failure of Texas to secure our border no matter what.
Gov. Abbott could have taken action to call in the Militia, Deputize Citizens to secure the border when Biden refused and chose to promote a pitiful ploy to ship illegal aliens from the Texas border to Democrat regions. Abbott’s promotion of the Texas Army National Guard Troops lacked scale.
Between the poor leadership from Biden and the pitiful leadership from Gov. Abbott and the Texas GOP, it’s inexcusable to accept the poor leadership from Biden and Abbott and the majority of the GOP who ignore the Tenth Amendment.
I’ve always rejected the poor leadership from the Democrats.
I now reject the systemic failure of Republicans who joined the central planners during the plandemic and failed their oath to office. I reject the political class and claim my independence as an Independent Constitutionalist.
I will do my best to promote Life, Liberty, and Freedom and provide solutions when possible.
Perhaps I can be more effective as an independent but time will tell.
Our Nation is at risk and now witnessing an invasion at our southern border.
Love is the greatest defender,
Darel L. Long
Please Join My Newsletters
Darel Long’s Pronouncement, I write in support of Life, Liberty, and Freedom. The newsletter includes various miniseries, including Covid, Trump, The Tenth Amendment, etc. Please join for Free or consider supporting my work.
The Christian Pronouncement, a weekly series posted Sunday mornings at 8:00 am EST. (coming soon)
Overcome Parental Alienation, my daughter, Alexis, first became alienated from me when she was just three years old. I later won shared physical custody but suffered significant health issues soon after, and the alienation returned. My experience has me now dedicated to helping parents who endure Parental Alienation. I present a weekly article posted Fridays at 8:00 am EST. You can join for free.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr, and Truth Social.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Series
The Tenth Amendment, the USA Solutions, and Compendium. The states can nullify federal tyranny by engaging the power of the Constitution and utilizing the Tenth Amendment, also known as Amendment X.
The Question the 2020 Election Miniseries and Compendium, The miniseries highlights the 2020 Election, and my research shows team Trump/Pence won the election.
The Covid Series and Compendium, The political class joined the central planners on the left to combat a virus with an almost perfect survival rate with poisonous gene therapy injections.
The Democrat Party Series and Compendium, The Democrat Party platitudes join woke ideology and socialist tendencies. They promote the death of the unborn. They have become the war party, undermining Life, Liberty, and Freedom.
The President Donald J. Trump Compendium, Build the Wall, lock her up, and the Promoter of Operation Warp Speed includes thought-provoking topics.
What is a women’s series? The woke rise of men acting as women provoked this series.
The World Economic Forum Series and Compendium, Klaus Swab’s World Economic Forum, support the totalitarian dictatorship once used by Nazi Germany’s Adolf Hitler. The WEF is a danger to life, liberty, and freedom. They promote the Great Reset, promoting human nutritional daily consumption needs to be augmented by protein from bugs. Klaus Swab and his gang of tyrants are fans of world depopulation.
The Republican Party Series and Compendium, At what point does the GOP begin to promote the Tenth Amendment across GOP red states to nullify federal tyranny? Why did the GOP join the Central Planners during Covid-19?
The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Operation Warp Speed, and related evildoers promoted untested gene therapy injections, and now our people are dying and adversely affected, and SADS has exploded.
The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Series and Compendium, It’s hard for me to fathom that the political class is being led astray by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. If people aren’t aware, Zelensky once played the part of a Penis Pianist.