I continue to March forward with Important Articles
The newsletter officially began on March 11, 2022; today is my first major update.
The values of Life, Liberty, and Freedom must boldly be announced!
I wish to sincerely thank those of you who joined my first titled newsletter called “Bold Pronouncement.” If you believe in my work, with a humble heart, I’m asking you to share my articles, and ask 1 or 2 people you know to join my newsletter today.
Since March 11, 2022, each article posted is now indexed into the major search engines. A few days ago, half of my visitors are now from direct traffic from Google, Bing, Ask, and others. This fact alone proves the newsletter is moving in the proper direction and now obtains free internet search traffic.
My work is now being promoted by other independent news and I do appreciate the kindness shown by others to post and promote my work.
I recently launched my own personal story about Parental Alienation, and I encourage you to read the article here. The two most popular articles since I launched the newsletter: Kissinger Quote from a Speech to the WHO Eugenics Council, and The Abuse of Our Little Ones Has Reached Epidemic Levels.
After extensive research into the general theme of “newsletters,” the conclusion is based on the first 100 subscribers and secondary, how quickly the 100 can be obtained.
My newsletter will certainly excel; thus, I’m asking you to join my newsletter and share the articles and ask others to join as well. As a writer, I can easily defend my positions during any debate on any college campus.
By now, there is no debate; Life, Liberty, and Freedom are on the line.
I’ve been invited to my first podcast and the creators are popular podcasters on YouTube. Once the Podcast is completed and posted in July, I’ll be sure to send an update, as I have today. Some small radio stations have expressed interest in having me as a guest as well, and if this occurs, I will also provide notice here.
My immediate plans are to have many join my newsletter and help me exceed 100 new subscribers within the next 7 days.
Featured Articles:
Posted 2-3 times each week launched morning – 3:00 pm EST
Preceded by a brief introduction the prior day, and the image chosen is an American Flag
Five at Five: Monday through Saturday
Begins: May 2, 2022
I’ll take careful attention to news cycles and post five important news stories from both Mainstream media and independent media links, and post along with articles written by myself.
This release will be added to an automated timed release to ensure it’s sent at 5:00 pm, Eastern standard time.
101 New World Order Quotes
101 Progressive Warnings
101 Biblical Points
Disney File
Fauci File
And much more
The miniseries will be one paragraph or longer.
Any reader can share this, and I’ll do my best to limit image sizes to use across social media.
My Future plans:
· 1-5 min video/podcasts
I appreciate you and my subscribers.
Love is the greatest defender,
Darel L. Long