I'm waiting on answers from Substack
The newest updates are pending, and I need clarification from Substack. I’ll return soon with daily posts regarding Covid, WEF, and much more.
I’ve tried my best to befriend technology and most technological issues; I can navigate most matters quickly. I’ll admit to my readers that the newest updates mentioned several days ago have slowed the speed of my intended progress. I’m now waiting on assistance from the Substack team.
I’ve written valuable articles about the World Economic Forum, SADS, and the correlation between Nazism and the Covid-19 cult. I’m eager to share them and others soon.
I’ll leave you with one of the most popular articles (based on the number of times it’s been linked to), and perhaps the article will provide insight into one of many issues our nation faces. I invite you to read and share: The GOP has failed to promote Life, Liberty, and Freedom
Love is the greatest defender,
Darel L. Long