Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Eugenics Council
#1 of 101 Elite Quotes: February 25, 2009, promoting mandatory vaccinations to thin the heard.
Henry Kissinger, former United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
Kissinger is a fan of globalization but not the fun crowd of a world union. He is a supporter of the usurpation of national sovereignty across the world and creating less freedom, less liberty, and depopulation within the USA. He is a traitor to the country he served.
In 2014, I meet a former aid who worked at the United Nations. I interviewed this person in 2015, on live radio, as anonymous contact. This person had limited contact with Kissinger and other influential globalists. They made the open remark, Kissinger and others were obsessed with world destruction of markets, depopulation, and control of the people of the world. This person referred to Kissinger and others as psychos and tyrants who sought diabolical means to control the USA and the world. Though it’s been several years since the interview occurred, I recalled statements as it pertained to vaccines.
Recently, one of my twitter contacts posted a quote from Kissinger. His quote is a key component to current events are nonetheless astounding. Kissinger’s quote from a speech to the WHO Council of Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
“Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything-forcible blood or organ donation- “for the greater good.” We can genetically modify children and sterilize them--- “for the greater good.” Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pay us for the extermination services…”
If you insert this diabolic quote of promotion of vaccines and then join this with the admitted facts from Fauci’s gain of function, which weaponized COVID, and the evil doers provide the solution in a vaccine format. Not only do we have motive and collusion to promote the world’s grandest conspiracy, but we also have these despicable men intentionally harming the USA, the world, and our children.
My special thanks for a patriotic twitter contact @debc819
I'm sure there is a source for this quote and I'm sure it's been scrubbed from the net??
Wayback machine?
It always makes me suspicious when there is no source links.
Yes!.. It's easy to believe that Kissinger and other Zionist globalists have this evil agenda. But where was this exposé in 2009?
Why does this appear AFTER COVID? What newspaper is in the photo? What evidence or references exist that this is real?