Lara Logan: Texas GOP Complicit with Border Invasion
Video: The Texas GOP sides with open borders and United Nations Dictates.
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Watch the video above. Click here
Lara Logan’s interview with Steve Bannon.
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Overcome Parental Alienation, my daughter, Alexis, first became alienated from me when she was just three years old. I later won shared physical custody but suffered significant health issues soon after, and the alienation returned. My experience has me now dedicated to helping parents who endure Parental Alienation. I present a weekly article posted Fridays at 8:00 am EST. You can join for free.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr, and Truth Social.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Series
The Tenth Amendment, the USA Solutions, and Compendium. The states can nullify federal tyranny by engaging the power of the Constitution and utilizing the Tenth Amendment, also known as Amendment X.
The Question the 2020 Election Miniseries and Compendium, The miniseries highlights the 2020 Election, and my research shows team Trump/Pence won the election.
The Covid Series and Compendium, The political class joined the central planners on the left to combat a virus with an almost perfect survival rate with poisonous gene therapy injections.
The Democrat Party Series and Compendium, The Democrat Party platitudes join woke ideology and socialist tendencies. They promote the death of the unborn. They have become the war party, undermining Life, Liberty, and Freedom.
The President Donald J. Trump Compendium, Build the Wall, lock her up, and the Promoter of Operation Warp Speed includes thought-provoking topics.
What is a women’s series? The woke rise of men acting as women provoked this series.
The World Economic Forum Series and Compendium, Klaus Swab’s World Economic Forum, support the totalitarian dictatorship once used by Nazi Germany’s Adolf Hitler. The WEF is a danger to life, liberty, and freedom. They promote the Great Reset, promoting human nutritional daily consumption needs to be augmented by protein from bugs. Klaus Swab and his gang of tyrants are fans of world depopulation.
The Republican Party Series and Compendium, At what point does the GOP begin to promote the Tenth Amendment across GOP red states to nullify federal tyranny? Why did the GOP join the Central Planners during Covid-19?
The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, Operation Warp Speed, and related evildoers promoted untested gene therapy injections, and now our people are dying and adversely affected, and SADS has exploded.
The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Series and Compendium, It’s hard for me to fathom that the political class is being led astray by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. If people aren’t aware, Zelensky once played the part of a Penis Pianist.