On July 6th I mentioned the future changes to my newsletter titled Long Pronouncement.
A few moments ago, I changed the newsletter name to Darel Long’s Pronouncement.
No changes are required of you; you will continue to receive all updates with each release.
For brief time you will see the former name with “captioned email sign-up forms.” Previous articles will be updated soon.
The newsletter name change will improve the newsletter across various platforms for unique identification for podcasts, video and much more.
I originally planned to make the changes the middle of August but wanted to make you aware immediately of the change.
With future audio and video productions, the name change will provide an introduction with the familiar sound of a Harley Davidson starting and riding off with an overdub of the new name “Darel Long’s Pronouncement Rides.”
I’m unafraid to author unique articles prohibited by and canceled by the lunatic left. I provide important articles to address required solutions and release them during this time of national and international deceit as promoted by the evildoers. I will do everything in my power to help save our republic.
Please share my work with others across your social media accounts. Please encourage others to join my newsletter.
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Please share: New Name: Darel Long's Pronouncement
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