Next Featured Article: About Mr. Elon Musk & Twitter
The next featured article will be released within the next 1-2 days.
The article highlights:
Twitter Drama
Free Speech
Democrat Hypocrisy
GOP Hypocrisy – Written from my own observation a voting member of the GOP
Ten Points about Mr. Elon Musk
And much more
A short introduction precedes featured articles 24 hours prior to release.
Featured Articles
Released 2-3 articles each week Monday -Saturday
Released between 8am – 3:00 pm, EST
Instructions such as this one is released the day before
Most weeks the first featured article is released on Monday unless during holidays or special events
The primary purpose of Introduction acts as an important reminder to my subscribers and new readers for the next article for your read and acts of “loving my work and sharing.
Introduction to featured articles such as this one will always use a flag for the image to help you identify the spirit of the release.
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