Now Live: Overcome Parental
After 24 years of being an alienated parent I've launched Overcome Parental to help elevate parents who suffer immense challenges from PA
Yesterday I was informed my new site Overcome Parental Alienation was ready and ready to launch. Today I wanted to share with my subscribers and the world the site is now live and includes the about page and welcome article and officially launched today December 2, 2022.
The site is designed as a newsletter with a weekly column posted early Monday mornings and the first formal article begins December 5, 2022.
I estimate 450,000 kids are impacted from Parental Alienation each year in the USA and very little legislative action has been taken to address PA.
Parents who are alienated from there own kids are often demoralized and chastised far greater than others and may have nearly or about to lose everything held close to their hearts and few can fathom this anguish.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.
It’s taken me many years to write about the most difficult topic I’ve personally endured and it’s my hope you will share, promote, and join my new newsletter focused solely on Parental Alienation.
As an entrepreneur and writer, I have over 24 years of experience with Parental Alienation.
Some readers have never experienced the effects of Parental Alienation and it’s my hope you never do however most likely you know of someone who is touched by parental alienation so please share the site with them.
The site is also a turning point in my own life as I attempt to help the parental alienated reader with my own experience.
Please visit Overcome Parental click here.
Love is the greatest defender,
Darel L. Long
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.