Social Media Update: You can now follow me at Truth Social
You can now find me at Truth Social known as Darel_L_Long. The 2020 Question the Election Series and other topics will be expanded to Truth Social
Ever since Trump announced plans to start his own social network, many asked me to join during the prelaunch, and thereafter. I’ve been reluctant to join due to Operation Warp Speed and other topics.Â
After the launch of my miniseries titled Question the 2020 Election, many encouraged me to join Truth Social.Â
Recently, I joined Truth Social and you can follow me at as: Darel_L_Long . You may follow me at Twitter, Gab, Gettr, and Facebook.Â
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.
Those who know me are aware I voted for Trump during the last two election cycles. I also launched (I no longer operate, nor do I own the domain). During both election cycles, I joined local supporters to help campaign for Trump in Blacksburg and Roanoke, VA, and Miami FL.
During the pandemic, I was heartily disappointed both the GOP and Trump joined the central planners in promotion of 15-days, 6-feet apart, which ultimately led to the closure of our churches and places of worship. Of course, I was highly supportive of the Wall, fixing our prosperous economy, and pro-life positions. I would never support a central planner running for office, and highly opposed the left.Â
I was vocal in my discourse opposing Operation Warp Speed and the fast track to approve the vaccines under emergency use. Our fellow patriots are dying from the vaccines and oddly enough, Trump calls himself the father of the vaccines and claims the vaccines are safe.Â
As a Constitutional Patriot, I believe it’s my duty to inject topics about my discourse on certain topics and subjects. My hope is that the participants at Truth Social will consider future articles as a valuable read. To strengthen our republic, discourse and discussion are essential.
Now that you realize some of my objections and concerns about Donald J. Trump, you now realize I’m not a Yes Man to anyone, not even the former President of the United States.  I would like you to take pleasure and confidence with my 2020 Question the Election Miniseries that I’m fair and stick to the facts the 2020 election was stolen.
Welcome to my new social media connection located at Truth Social as Darel_L_Long
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.