Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Adverse Effects Compendium
An ongoing series highlighting the massive increase in Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and Adverse Effects across the world
Image: EPOC TV
The promoters of Life, Liberty, and Freedom easily recognized the COVID-19 pandemic was a pandemic against reason, logic, and liberty. We tried to reason with others to reconsider taking the vaccines and boosters, and some listened while others continue to yield their health to peer pressure, fear, and a lack of understanding about the PSYOP of fear thrust upon the citizens of the world.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.
I stand ready to debate the best of the best scientists upon any video platform and released to the public without edits.
The political class from both parties joined the clandestine central planners such as Fauci, Gates, Birks, the WHO, and many more who promoted the epic failure.
Conspiracy Theorist ONE v Scientist ZERO
By now at least half of the US population is aware the “clot shot” lowers immunity, endangers pregnancy, endangers health, creates heart issues, and much more.
Certainly, the vaccines are now political as well as dangerous, and for the record, I refuse.
One important oddity emerged: The GOP failed to protect our liberties and joined the central planners’ programs such as the 15-days to slow the spread and 6-feet apart. They allowed them to create new group identities titled essential and non-essential.
Now Donald J. Trump, claims he’s the father of the vaccines.
Our own government watch dog health agencies are now promoting experimental drugs to our children, but there is no pandemic existing within our children as it relates to actual death.
Our nation and world populations have now entered the depopulation phase and we must continue to warn our friends, family, and the world to just say no to the clot shot. Say no to the boosters, just say no to this madness. We must protect our kids at all costs.
I realized a few days ago the rising trend of Sudden Death Syndrome occurs all across the world.
Not just in infants and babies (SIDS), but in adults as well. We must do our best to use the examples of other losses to share this information with our friends and family on social media in order to help warn others.
The spirit of this idea is based on helping others realizes the calamity ahead. We must never assert the negative spirit of “I told you so.” For this reason, when you share these examples from Darel Long’s Pronouncement newsletter, send it out with the caring message to others and help warn the people.
This series will be a simple post, one at a time, with limited or perhaps no text provided by me other than the title, video, image, or report
Perhaps the greatest tragedy the world has ever noticed is simply this: the political class, central planners, many doctors, medical associations, and mainstream media convinced a large part of the population into believe a false paradigm that synthetic immunity provided by the horrible vaccines are more valuable than your natural immunity. By doing so, Big Pharma gained a big win with synthetic and unproven vaccines that will depopulate the world and create immense adverse effects.
Please share my work with others and we can help save lives by informing our loved ones and friends as to the seriousness Sudden Adult Death and the adverse effects of the vaccines.
Vol 5, SAD: Suddenly Dies, Principle Riddick Parker
Vol 4, Nicholas Evans, dies suddenly at 72
Vol 3, SAD: Mohamad Al-Qahtani drops dead during a speech
Vol 2, Holly Darkin, 29, died suddenly April, 2022
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.
Hi Lola, we share a common loss. Thus far I once knew 4 people lost to the vaccines. We must warn the people. I'm starting a website called "Monster Jabbers." Thanks for letting me know.
It sickens me,that I have lost numerous friends and acquaintances over all of this.