The GOP has failed to promote Life, Liberty, and Freedom
Now what? More central planning, bigger government, less Liberty, less Freedom promoted by the GOP by an intolerable lack of action and lack of creativity
We must recognize where we stand to improve the direction of our nation. Too many supporters within the GOP have chosen blind loyalty to one man over loyalty to our Constitution.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.
Allow me to present an important question. Have we witnessed in our nation’s history when a former President, who won under the GOP banner, was joined by most members from the republican party to promote central planning?
The answer is yes.
I draw your attention towards the Covid-19 pandemic. In my hometown of Blacksburg, Virginia, a college town of roughly 30,000 citizens. A limited number of deaths were reported by the Health Department, from one day old to 55, regarding Covid-19. For ages above 55, Covid-19 death rates were less than deaths created by the FLU (influenza). This meant the flu and other respiratory illnesses presented higher deaths than recent Covid-19 data. The low death count created from Covid-19 has been similar across our nation.
We also remember the health bureaucrats and central planners at the NIHI and the WHO began promoting case numbers versus actual death rates, and thus promoted fear. This was accomplished with illogical mandates. Through the fear, the central planners took control of the narrative and spooked most of the population into submission. At the same time, the mathematical equation computed with any thinking person, represented a survival rate on average exceeding 99%. In fact, the data was available early on during the pandemic while the mainstream media was pitching fear and promoting unreliable data.
As a citizen who votes, I voted for Trump twice. Like many readers who read this article, we never voted for a president to join the central planners on the left to do battle against a high survival rate virus, while at the same time watch Trump promote Fauci. Fauci had a poor history of predictions and HIV half-truths to run pandemic response.
Scott W. Atlas, MD, wrote in his book titled, “A Plague Upon our House,” subtitled “My Fight at TRUMP White House to Stop Covid from Destroying America.” He states, “the architects of the American lockdown strategy were Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx” (page 11). He further states “Dr. Birx, Dr. Redfield, and Dr. Fauci—dominated all discussion about the health and medical aspects of the emerging pandemic. One thing was noticeably clear—all three were cut from the same cloth. First, they were all bureaucrats, sharing a background that crossed paths in government agencies. Second, they shared a long history in HIV/AIDs as a public health crisis. Almost the entire background of both Dr. Birx and Dr. Redfield was in HIV/AIDS. That was problematic because HIV couldn’t be more different from SARS2 in its biology, its amenability to testing and contact tracing, it’s spread and the implication of those facts for its control” (page 12).
Once Trump promoted Fauci, it was game over for the USA. Sadly, most of the GOP played follow the leader and not only joined Trumps promotion of Fauci, and later Operation Warp Speed, but did little to announce opposition to central planning for the pandemic.
The pandemic response provided by Trump, Pence, Operation Warp Speed, and the GOP who followed Trump, but not the actual high survival rate to the pandemic, gave bravado to the central planners. Fauci, Birx, and even Bill Gates have nearly destroyed our nation. Until this fact is acknowledged within the GOP, we are likely to see more of the same madness which continues to destroy our nation.
After the promotion and injection from experimental Covid-19 vaccine, cancer rates are soaring, Sudden Adult Death rates have soared, stillborn deaths have exploded, and heart related issues have increased. Trump calls himself the “Father of the Vaccines.” Even still, with an increase in major deaths and vaccine side effects, members within the GOP make the claim Trump isn’t an MD, or he only followed the science. Many still make the claim that without Trump’s 3D chess moves, our nation would be locked down. All three assumptions are a product of blind loyalty. As far as I see it, our blind loyalty should be to our Christian faith, our family, friends, and not to any political leader.
In my opinion, the vast harm has been created by Fauci, Birks, Redfield, and the central planners involved. They should be charged with treason and maximum penalties should apply.
Most people are not aware of this, but enough public data is available to link Fauci and Birx to high crimes. Trump could have had both of them arrested live on TV during the pandemic meetings.
At this point, the central planners are planning on creating a worldwide treaty which steals our freedoms under the guise of “future pandemics.” The GOP has failed to provide a resolute response, and as yet, I haven’t seen Trump make effective use of his rallies to oppose the World Economic Forum either.
Why hasn’t Trump used his political influence to warn We the People about the plans from the World Economic Forum? Instead, his rallies are of self-promotion.
While Trump and the GOP provide the appearance of fighting for America, they are missing in action with important matters. They continue to fail to expose those who announce the plan to create a dystopian nightmare where freedom ends, and slavery begins. Likewise, Trump and the GOP are missing in action to promote the tenth amendment to help nullify federal tyranny.
Did you vote for members within the GOP who you expect to fight against tyranny or just talk about it? Did we forget “Lock her UP?”
While I laid out many articles showing the 2020 stolen election occurred, the evidence is clear Trump won the election. We must be honest to ourselves that Trump and the GOP have failed to promote Life, Liberty, and Freedom to the fullest.
Darel Long’s Pronouncement Newsletter supports Life, Liberty, and Freedom. You can follow me at: Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Gettr and Truth Social.
Those three should be charged with the most severe penalty possible. Evil evil evil
Sadly the Convid 19 Epidemic was long in the planning agenda 20/30 and the great reset come to mind.