USA-Our Republic at Risk: The State of Our Union
2020-2022: We the People recognize our beloved nation is at risk. The State of Our Union highlights risks we face as individuals and as a nation.
Sadly, the United States of America is failing from within. The civil servant’s oath to the Constitution states:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So, help me God.”
The civil service oath references an especially important phrase to include “foreign and domestic”
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Many elder political leaders including former President Ronald Regan hypostatized the United States would fail from “within” as opposed to a foreign advisory.
The State of Our Union
Whereas: The GOP did not protect its citizens from the cancel culture and allowed Big Tech to curtail our First Amendment Rights.
Whereas: One Billionaire failed to protect free speech across our great land it took another Billionaire, Elon Musk, to elevate Free Speech within one of the largest social media platforms; Twitter is now poised to elevate Free Speech.
Whereas: Our modern-day insurrection occurred before Jan 3, 2020.
Whereas: The John Durham report is being slow walked to allow the swamp to escape prosecution.
Whereas: The CDC, NIHI, and FDA have failed to meet their stated mission and failed We the People.
Whereas: Most State Health Departments joined central planning ideologies supported by the WHO, CDC, NIHI and FDA.
Please join my newsletter where Life, Liberty, and Freedom are defended. You can follow me at: Twitter, Gab, Facebook and Gettr.
Whereas: The CDC, NIHI, FDA, and most state health departments did not review data provided by licensed physicians who issued concerns over mRNA vaccines, thus placing Americans and citizens of the world at risk by injecting unproven vaccines.
Whereas: mRNA, vaccines were granted “emergency use authorization.” These dangerous chemicals were passed along to our people by the millions. This act alone is reckless endangerment to our citizens of all ages.
Whereas: There is no pandemic among our youth to inject this population with an unproven vaccine.
Whereas: The Central Bank is intentionally destroying the value of our currency and thus the inflation rate in December 2022, posted a 7% inflation value. Moreover, the increased rates affect the poorest of the population first.
Whereas: The US government spending habits are destroying our currency and buying power. The idiots from both parties have failed to balance our nations cheque book.
Whereas: The assumed political party who promotes life, liberty, and freedom, the GOP joined the democrats to support 15-days and six feet apart. They also agreed to shut down the economy without looking at data and hard evidence which presented opposing arguments from our federal health authorities.
Whereas: The federal attention towards the pandemic taken during the Trump Administration, and now Biden, have crippled our economy and the world economies. Now nations like Columbia are slowly turning into another Venezuela.
Whereas: The World Economic Forum have presented open statements to use their own powers of central planning to destroy America via their own plan deemed The Great Reset.
Whereas: Former President Trump, Unlawful President Joe Biden, Barrack Hussain Obama, George W. Bush have all refused to renounce The Great Reset, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates.
Whereas: Open public documents now exist linking Dr. Anthony Fauci to Gain-of-Function which created the COVID-19 bioweapon which has killed millions of people across the USA and the world.
Whereas: Former President Trump and Unlawful President Joe Biden never fired Gain-of-Function Fauci and Fauci continues to be a free man and promote endless vaccination propaganda. Now he is promoting healthy kids to be administered an unproven vaccine.
Whereas: The political and medical class promote vaccine passport cards which is a violation of our birthright and for citizens across the world.
Whereas: Former Present Donald J. Trump began to promote and encourage use of the experimental vaccines.
Whereas: The mRNA manufactures have been given immunity from prosecution and lawsuits.
Whereas: Many pastors and pastors in other nation failed to lead their congregations and joined mandates which undermined the spirit of its congregation and failed to follow WWJD.
Whereas: Most pastors across the world did not warn its congregation and promoted vaccines which contained aborted fetal cells.
Whereas: Pro-abortion Biden administration are working tirelessly to abort babies and make us pay for this sick action of abortion.
Whereas: A 40% death rate issued from an insurance company and a 300% increase in stillborn babies are reported and the only known factor are the vaccines.
Whereas: Neocons, neoliberals, leftists, and many on the right are supporting actions of war against a nuclear ready Russia.
Whereas: The Biden Administration left American’s behind in Afghanistan.
Whereas: Now over 20 food production facilities have been destroyed.
Whereas: Most of my fellow republicans fail to read and study the constitution and utilize the Tenth Amendment also known as Amendment X can be used to nullify tyranny now while waiting on the 2022 and 2024 elections.
Whereas: Former Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden, Donald J. Trump all falsely claim the Covid-19 vaccines are safe while at the same time, the VARES reports represent vast vaccine harm and death information. Are any of these living Presidents true supporters of Life, Liberty, and Freedom? If so, why are they all promoting vaccines which harm our fellow patriots?
We are being destroyed from within from poor leadership from both the left and the right. The only hope for saving America is to place our Bill of Rights and Constitution first.
No doubt the People of our time must be the Paul Revere to waken and love those who fail to grasp the urgency of our day.
Notice: I stand ready to debate any person mentioned above.
Please join my newsletter where Life, Liberty, and Freedom are defended. You can follow me at: Twitter, Gab, Facebook and Gettr.
I could never have said it better myself!