A dance with fate from a freak accident has yielded a broken rib, new site updates, and recent surgery on my right foot that should heal within the next month.
BTDT, prof D...many m/bike&car crashes[15]. In the past 10yrs- 3rd deg full foot burn [ no ER or poison pain pills] Just -osteopathic manipulation,LLLT, homeopathy, vegan diet], semi paralyzed arm,leg at different times from car crash&house fire with each lasting 8mos,bilateral syndesmosis 3X,mcl&groin tears,dbl pneumonia, tibial plateau inj...This ol'mechanic concludes that the 24/7 pain is a sign that we're undead...hurray?? FYI allergies&diabetes are easy peasy to cure [speaking from experience] All you have to do is - switch the fuel thats running your body to a clean burning one - youtube.com/watch?v=ZA41IFiIig4 Cyrus Khambatta, PhD - Mastering Diabetes: Tips for Living with Diabetes | The Nathan Crane Podcast Ep 01 Cyrus Khambatta is the Co-founder of @masteringdiabetes, which he started working on after he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry, and is striving to reverse insulin resistance so you can get your life back on track! In this podcast, you’ll discover: Our Mastering Diabetes approach to nutrition and lifestyle How it’s possible to reverse Type 2 Diabetes What causes Type 1 diabetes and what can we do about it My top nutritional protocols for all forms of diabetes masteringdiabetes.org ...
BTDT, prof D...many m/bike&car crashes[15]. In the past 10yrs- 3rd deg full foot burn [ no ER or poison pain pills] Just -osteopathic manipulation,LLLT, homeopathy, vegan diet], semi paralyzed arm,leg at different times from car crash&house fire with each lasting 8mos,bilateral syndesmosis 3X,mcl&groin tears,dbl pneumonia, tibial plateau inj...This ol'mechanic concludes that the 24/7 pain is a sign that we're undead...hurray?? FYI allergies&diabetes are easy peasy to cure [speaking from experience] All you have to do is - switch the fuel thats running your body to a clean burning one - youtube.com/watch?v=ZA41IFiIig4 Cyrus Khambatta, PhD - Mastering Diabetes: Tips for Living with Diabetes | The Nathan Crane Podcast Ep 01 Cyrus Khambatta is the Co-founder of @masteringdiabetes, which he started working on after he was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. He has a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry, and is striving to reverse insulin resistance so you can get your life back on track! In this podcast, you’ll discover: Our Mastering Diabetes approach to nutrition and lifestyle How it’s possible to reverse Type 2 Diabetes What causes Type 1 diabetes and what can we do about it My top nutritional protocols for all forms of diabetes masteringdiabetes.org ...
forksoverknives.com/search/?search=diabetes ... youtube.com/watch?v=dpHhBAnfKn0
The Myths Surrounding Low-Carb Diets for Diabetes Explained