Health Update: Darel L. Long
After a long trail of medical setbacks, I'm still standing and improving immensely.
Nearly five years ago, I refused to accept the medical direction from prostate cancer in favor of intravenous Vitamin C and Vitamin K. The research for this miracle is credited to a kind and trusted friend from Arizona who researched alternatives to radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. The six-month checkups from the last four years have all been negative. The cancer is gone.
A few years ago, I suffered a mild stroke and fully recovered.
Since I’m diabetic, my vision began to decline rapidly, and after ingesting an herbal supplement, my vision has returned to 20/20.
In August 2022, I nearly lost my right foot to amputation. After weeks of antibiotic treatment, I woke with a high temperature. My entire right foot had swollen and was purple. I decided to go to the emergency room immediately. From there, I was rushed into a room surrounded by medical professionals. The ER doctor announced that I should prepare for amputation. He provided no suggestions, no hope, and said it was my only choice. His position and lack of hope angered me, so I fired him. I told him to get the hell out of my room and send in a doctor who was hopeful and had other suggestions. After my demands, they began three antibiotic drips!
The following day, a doctor expressed a hopeful prognosis but was still trying to tell me things could go wrong quickly if I didn’t respond to the antibiotics. Shortly after firing the first doctor, I passed out from the pain of the infection raging through my body. Had I not fired the first doctor before I passed out, they would have amputated my right foot.
I was hospitalized for nearly two months, and my recovery has been prolonged with limited mobility. I still use a surgical boot and a knee scooter 100% of the time. The wound on my foot is healing slowly, but it is healing. Hopefully, within the next 3-4 weeks, the wound will soon be fully healed, and my full mobility will return.
My writing has often been disrupted due to surgery, but I’m feeling better and nearly back to feeling myself. You will begin to read more frequent posts.
My thanks and gratitude are extended to new subscribers and those of you who have written to ask about my health. And a special thanks to those of you who share my work.
Last month, I received a large bill from the hospital. The billing from the hospital is posted in the image above. It is from one hospital, and the related costs exceed $190,000. I’ve always been blessed with a highly creative mindset, and I’m certain I can pay off the medical debt this year.
Love is the greatest defender,
Darel L. Long
Words fail me Darel.
You are truly one of lifes fighters.
It beggars belief that the doctors have to be pushed to accommodate your wishes, but that they then charge you a fortune for doing so.
Regarding the Prostate cancer, there was a stack today that highlighted Ivermectins use for it.
Also the Fenbendazole substack is definitely worth a read.
Also if you've never read it, Joe Tippens blog ( is where I first discovered that there are other treatments for cancer than the ones pharma needs you to take.
Good luck.